Friday, December 13, 2019

50 Everyday Habits That Can Make You Look Much Younger - Page 6 of 49

50 Everyday Habits That Can Make You Look Much Younger - Page 6 of 49: 44.Give yourself a hand or two OLGA MILTSOVA/SHUTTERSTOCK A study showed that people could accurately guess women’s ages by looking at their hands. Use a good hand cream frequently, preferably one that contains SPF for daytime. Brighten dull hands by exfoliating regularly: Mix sea salt with lemon juice and gently scrub into your hands with a soft …

Monday, September 21, 2015

Emotional Power

"Your emotional state is one of the most important determinants of your personal happiness and productivity. The best plan in the world is unlikely to be effectively carried out unless there is emotional power behind it." -  Joe Tye

What are the differences between those that accomplish big goals and those that do not? It's not that some people don't have big goals - almost everyone does. But some people carry them through to completion and some do not.

I think the secret is revealed in today's quote - we have to have more than an intellectual investment in the goal, we have to have a deep emotional investment in the goal! When we do, our friends and family will often think we've gone crazy!

Our "friends", as usual, will try to "talk some sense" into us. Our family will worry that we're obsessed. But when we carry it through and achieve that goal, they will line up to tell us that "we knew you could do it!" And that's all right, because they meant well, and in most case really wanted the best for you.

Don't be obsessive about the small stuff. Save your energy for the big goals, the 'impossible' goals, the important goals. Listen to your gut. Does this feel important to you? Does it nag you to do something?

If the answer is "yes" then go do something. That's what you're on this planet for!

All the best,

Monday, August 11, 2014

Don't blame the weights

Hi Evelyn
      "Align your thinking with
       wholeness and perfection.
       See and expect only good
       to come to you. Doing so,
       you are sure to experience
       peace, joy, harmony and ease."
                  Kathy Juline

When we read a prescription for life like the one in our quote, it's easy for the
inner cynic in us to try to dismiss it.

"Oh, that's easy for you to say, but that's not the way it happens for me!" But that kind of response is a result of not understanding what the quote is saying.

This quote is not saying that you will never get disruptive or challenging
circumstances in your life, it's saying that with the proper inner work done,
you can move through challenging times with ease and grace anyway!

Our normal human reaction to things not going well is usually some
combination of anger at others along with a "poor me" self-pity party. That
reaction takes a toll on us and others around us.

It also doesn't help and often hurts getting to a solution. So we see it as good. A good opportunity to learn, grow, practice and lead.

When we go to the gym, we don't blame the weights for being too heavy, we use
them to make us stronger. In that way we can use adversity to become more capable and competent in life.

And you will.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things." Peter Drucker

If you're like most people, you have more than one thing to do. You have a bunch of little, easy things and you have a couple of big, complicated things.

It's so easy to fall into the habit of doing the little things first. You can convince yourself that it'll only take a short time and you can get those little things out of the way.

And at the end of the day, what have you gotten done? A few little things, and no big things.

Next day, same thing. So when are you going to get the big, important stuff done?

There's always going to be lots more little things.

Brian Tracy wrote a book about this called "Eat That Frog!" His point is that the big important tasks HAVE to be done first!

He say that if the first thing you do in the morning is eat a big raw frog, the rest of the day will be easy!

When I remember this, I get stuff done. When I forget it, I get to the end of the day with the frog still sitting there.

It feels really good to get stuff done. So eat the frog.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"All of us every single year,we're a different person. I don't think we're the same person all our lives. "Steven Spielberg

Since this is the start of a brand new year, it's a good time to take stock of where we are and where we want to be at this time next year.

One of the things to consider is - who did you become this year?

We're shaped by the experiences and challenges that we encountered. We may have handled them well, or not so well.
How did that affect how you feel about yourself? Do you feel that you handled things well? Or not so well?
What would you change? How would you do it differently?

Think about your relationships. Who supported you, and who did you support? Do you feel that you have built a supportive network of helping
How can you improve that?

If you take these personal and proactive steps to review the year, you put yourself in a position to bring a whole new person to this year's challenges.

And every year you just get better and better.

Happy 2014!

All the best,


Saturday, October 19, 2013

"A fate dictated from outside, from theory or from circumstance, is a false fate". D H Lawrence

There are times in our life, sometimes childhood, sometimes as an adult, where circumstances or conditions seem to dictate our fate.

Now, by fate I don't necessarily mean a major tragedy in our lives, I mean that it seems that circumstances are going to dictate the limits of
what we can do.

Sometimes we get it from our families. "No one in  our family has ever done that, so you can't do it."

Sometimes we get it from our doctors, like the ones that told me I shouldn't ski. I've written about how I had to change doctors.

The toughest voice to overcome, though, is that voice in our own head. That voice that says, "What if I fail?" and then pictures you living in a box behind the supermarket.

The truth is - if you fail you'll just go on and do something else. Successful people fail all the time.

It's the picture of your dire fate as the result of failure that's false. That's what our quote is talking about.

It's a waste of energy to worry about failure. What we should really worry about is what we might lose by never trying.

Create your own fate.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Always the best Medicine

"Don't take yourself too seriously; no one else does! Find reasons to smile and laugh often. Create opportunities to laugh. When others amuse you, laugh with them, not at them. Laugh as often as possible every day." Tamara Gerlach

The best tension reliever is a good laugh, and it's usually free! What's not to like about laughter?

Well, sometimes we just get convinced that our life, our problems, are so serious and important that laughter would be sacriligious.

That's a shame. As our quote says, taking ourselves too seriously just makes us look foolish. How many people that are wrapped up in their own self importance do you want to hang out with?

Yeah, I thought so. I don't want to do that either.

In even better news, science has now shown that laughter is amazingly healing and healthy, too. When we laugh we release a boatload of endorphins in our brain that make us feel good and supports brain health, too.

Being relaxed allows our creativity to flow and we become more productive while we're feeding our mind and body with healthy natural chemicals.

As our quote cautions us, we should remember to laugh with people, not at them. We want everyone to join in the fun, and not be the object of the joke.

That's not hard to do, if we're paying attention. Laughter draws people together, building team spirit and productivity.

So if you're stopped up with seriousness, take a dose of some laughsitive!

All the best